how to make grape wine

How can you make a dessert grape wine?

Assuming you would like a recipe for a dessert grape wine:

1 gallon fresh grape juice
1 lb. granulated sugar
1 tsp. acid blend
1/2 tsp. pectic enzyme
1/4 tsp. grape tannin
1 Campden tablet
water to make up one gallon
YE18 or Lalvin EC1118

1. Sanitize all equipment thoroughly.
2. Pour grape juice into primary fermentation vessel.
3. Add sugar, stir well to dissolve.
4. Add acid blend, pectic enzyme, grape tannin, and crushed Campden tablet.
5. Stir well, cover, and set aside for 12-24 hours.
6. Add yeast.
7. Stir well, cover, and set aside for 7-10 days, stirring daily.
8. When specific gravity has dropped to 1.010 or lower, rack into secondary fermentation vessel, attach airlock.
9. Rack every 30-60 days until wine clears and is stable.
10. When wine is clear and stable, bottle.Click here to find out more

What equipment do you need to make grape wine?

When it comes to grape wine, there are two things you need: grapes and wine making equipment. Grapes can be purchased from a vineyard or wine shop, and wine making equipment can be bought from a home brew shop or online.

The most important piece of equipment you’ll need is a wine press. A wine press is used to crush grapes and extract their juice. You’ll also need a carboy or fermenting vessel, which is used to hold the grape juice while it ferments. Fermentation takes place over the course of several weeks, during which time the yeast converts the sugar in the grape juice into alcohol.

Once fermentation is complete, the wine is transferred to another vessel, called a carafe, for storage. A carafe has a narrow neck that prevents oxygen from spoiling the wine. Unless you plan on drinking your grape wine immediately, it’s important to store it in a cool, dark place until you’re ready to enjoy it.

We used to write this article about how to make grape wine. Visit Them.

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