bbw mistress

What are the rules of being a bbw mistress?

A mistress is a woman who dominates in a relationship, typically one in which she is financially and emotionally dominant over her male partner. While the rules of being a mistress vary from woman to woman, there are some general guidelines that all mistresses should follow in order to maintain their power and control within the relationship.

First and foremost, a mistress must always remain in control. She must be the one who decides when and where they will meet, what they will do during their time together, and how long their meetings will last. A mistress should also always be the one to initiate contact with her partner; he should never be the one reaching out to her.

A mistress must always be confident and sure of herself. She should never show any vulnerability or insecurity to her partner; instead, she should always project an image of strength and power. A mistress should also be emotionally unavailable to her partner; she should never give in to his pleas for affection or love.

A mistress must always be mysterious and enigmatic. She should never reveal too much about herself to her partner; instead, she should always keep him guessing and wanting more. A mistress should also be sexual and seductive; she should never shy away from physical intimacy with her partner.

Ultimately, the most important rule of being a mistress is to always remember that you are in control. You are the one who holds the power in the relationship, and you should never let your partner forget that..View Source

In-depth look at a day in the life of a bbw mistress.

What does a day in the life of a bbw mistress look like?

A typical day in the life of a bbw mistress might involve a lot of pampering and preening, as well as socialising and attending events. Here is a more detailed look at what a typical day might entail:

Wake up and have a leisurely breakfast, maybe catch up on some reading or watch some tv.

Start getting ready for the day ahead, perhaps taking a long relaxing bath, doing your hair and makeup and picking out the perfect outfit.

If you have any slaves or submissive partners, attend to their needs, maybe feeding them or giving them a bath, before sending them on their way.

Head out for the day, whether that involves meeting friends for lunch, going shopping or attending a social event.

Spend some time relaxing at home in the evening, perhaps watching tv, reading or chatting with friends online.

If you have any slaves or submissive partners, attend to their needs again, before sending them to bed.

Finally, wind down for the night, maybe taking a long hot bath, reading or chatting with friends online before going to bed.

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